<aside> <img src="/icons/departures_brown.svg" alt="/icons/departures_brown.svg" width="40px" /> Course Path

* Introduction to Python**

A comprehensive 45-day Python class would cover a wide range of topics, starting from the basics and gradually progressing to more advanced concepts. Here's a rough outline of what a 45-day Python class could include:

  1. Python installation and setup
  2. Python syntax and data types
  3. Variables, operators, and expressions
  4. Input/output and basic string manipulation
  5. Control flow statements: if, else, while, for loops

* Functions and Modules**

  1. Functions: defining, calling, and passing arguments
  2. Scope and namespaces
  3. Built-in functions and standard modules
  4. Creating and using custom modules
  5. Exception handling: try, except, finally

Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries*

  1. Lists: creating, indexing, slicing, and methods
  2. Tuples and sets
  3. Dictionaries: key-value pairs and methods
  4. List comprehensions and other data structures
  5. Iterators and generators

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)*

  1. Introduction to OOP and classes
  2. Creating and using classes and objects
  3. Inheritance and method overriding
  4. Encapsulation and abstraction
  5. Polymorphism and method overloading

* File Handling and I/O

  1. Reading and writing files
  2. Working with CSV and JSON files
  3. Exception handling in file operations
  4. Working with directories and file paths
  5. Serialization and deserialization

Advanced Python Concepts*

  1. Decorators and context managers
  2. Lambda functions and maps, filters, and reduce
  3. Closures and function decorators
  4. Python standard Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib library, and third-party packages
  5. Virtual environments and package management

Database Access with Python*

  1. Introduction to Databases and SQL
  2. Connecting to databases with Python
  3. CRUD operations: Create, Read, Update, Delete
  4. Working with SQLite and MySQL
  5. Using an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)

Interview Preparation, Resume Building, and Portfolio Last class

Extra Bonus

